Foods & Supplements That Help You Sleep Better

Raw natural supplements for better sleep health

What foods will make you sleepy?


With as many as 35 percent of American adults suffering from symptoms of insomnia, it makes sense that most people want to take advantage of foods and supplements for a better nights’ sleep. Here’s how.

The Best Foods for Sleep


Eating two kiwis before bed helps some individuals not only fall asleep faster, but also sleep better and longer, according to research. Kiwis contain serotonin, which breaks down to melatonin, the hormone that encourages sleep. Incorporate a serving or two of kiwi later in the day, or perhaps as a pre-bedtime snack.


A bowl of oatmeal is a solid choice that can help improve sleep. It’s not widely known, but whole grains trigger the brain to produce serotonin, making it easier to fall asleep. Oats are a source of melatonin that promotes the production of GABA, a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the brain.


Nuts provide a wonderful dose of healthy fats, along with protein and fiber. This combination provides satiety to keep you content both while awake and asleep. Also, a good source of magnesium! Many people with insomnia sleep better when they incorporate more magnesium-rich foods into their diets.

The Best Supplements for Sleep

*Speak with your physician before ingesting any supplements.


Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body in response to darkness. It aids in regulating sleep and facilitates a healthy circadian rhythm. Melatonin can be produced synthetically and ingested as a supplement to improve sleep. When taken before bedtime, it may help some people more easily fall asleep and stay asleep.


Magnesium is an essential mineral typically obtained from foods; it contributes to numerous bodily processes. Its role as a natural sleep aid is not well-defined, but some research has found that it may help older adults who have insomnia when used alone, or in combination with melatonin and zinc.


Lavender is a type of natural sleep aid used as a form of aromatherapy. Numerous research studies show that the smell of lavender essential oils can have a calming effect that promotes sleep.

What vitamins help you sleep better? The following list explains what vitamins help you sleep better.

Vitamin D

If you are wondering what vitamins help you sleep better, then Vitamin D may be your answer. A deficiency in Vitamin D affects your body's ability to regulate its circadian rhythms (your body's internal clock). If your body's clock is not running correctly, it's unable to signal the sleep hormones that help you fall asleep and wake up. If you find yourself wondering what vitamin deficiency can cause insomnia then vitamin D is the usual suspect in most cases.

Vitamin E

For many, restless leg syndrome may impact the ability to fall asleep. Vitamin E helps control restless leg syndrome, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep through the night.

B Vitamins

While Vitamin B6 is usually thought to give you energy, its main purpose is the production of hormones. B vitamins also keep the adrenal glands healthy, preventing them from creating adrenaline at night, which can lead to insomnia and sleep interruption.


There is evidence that 5-HTP can help you sleep better by increasing the production of melatonin, a chemical your body naturally produces that plays an important role in regulating sleep and wakefulness cycles (circadian rhythm).


L-Theanine is an amino acid that helps promote a restful, relaxed state without diminishing daytime alertness. There are scientific indications that L-Theanine also supports healthy blood pressure levels.

What food has the highest melatonin?

Wondering what food has the highest melatonin and what foods stimulate melatonin production? We’ve got the answers! Here are 5 foods that will help you sleep through the night.


Nuts have the highest melatonin content. Almonds have 3.9 mcg, while walnuts have 0.35 mcg of melatonin per 100g.


Of all nuts, pistachios are the richest in melatonin, containing 23.3 mcg of melatonin per 100g or 6.5 mcg per 1oz.


Not nuts about nuts? Perhaps you are allergic to some nuts? Wondering what foods will make you sleepy? Try cranberries, one of the richest foods for melatonin intake. They contain between 250-960 mcg of melatonin per 100g.


Bananas are a melatonin-containing fruit. They contain 0.07 mcg of melatonin per 100g. Practically, a banana has about 0.09 mcg of melatonin.


Corn is a good food source of melatonin. The mean melatonin content of corn is 9.6 mcg per 100g. Melatonin content depends greatly on corn variety, though. There are corn varieties that contain more than 200 mcg of melatonin per 100g. Rice is another cereal rich in melatonin. The mean melatonin content is 1.6 mcg per 100g. There are rice varieties with 26.4 mcg of melatonin per 100g. Wheat is also naturally high in melatonin, with 12.5 of melatonin per 100g. Barley is also a good source of melatonin with 8.2 mcg per 100g. Oats are good sources of melatonin as well. They contain approximately 9.1 mcg of melatonin per 100g.

What vitamin deficiency can cause insomnia?

Those suffering from sleep deprivation wonder what vitamin deficiency can cause insomnia.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is largely caused by lack of sun exposure. When levels of this vitamin are low, sleep disturbances can occur. Irregular levels of vitamin D, either hypovitaminosis (low levels of the vitamin) or hypervitaminosis (excessive levels of the vitamin), have been linked to sleep problems. The less vitamin D our body receives, the more difficult it is to sleep.

Vitamin B12

Research is ongoing to better understand the relationship between sleep disorders and vitamin B12. What has been found is that a vitamin B2 deficiency can trigger episodes of insomnia and lead to increased depression.

Which vegetable is good for sleep?

Check out some veggies that promote good health. We hope your question of which vegetable is good for sleep is answered here.

Green veggies

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard contain calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Calcium helps generate melatonin in the body. Both potassium and magnesium relax tense muscles and help induce sleep.

Sweet corn

Sweet corn contains high levels of naturally-occurring melatonin. It's also gluten free and can be used as a substitute for rice for those with Celiac disease.


A cup of roasted soybeans contains 535mg of tryptophan – that's 191 percent of the recommended daily intake for an adult!

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