Get Fit, Stop Snoring

Fitness equipment

May is the time to maximize your fitness, so get moving! There are many benefits to exercising regularly. Consistent exercise can reduce the risk of such diseases as cancer and diabetes and improve your overall quality of life.

Physical activity improves sleep

Physical activity can improve sleep for most people. Exercise increases sleep quality for adults by:

  • Reducing the time it takes to fall asleep
  • Helping to increase the duration of your rest
  • Decreasing the risk of weight gain
  • Reducing sleeping disorder symptoms.

Likewise, sleep allows your body time to recover, conserve energy, and to repair and build the muscles worked during exercise.

Studies show that those who experience poor sleep are less active than those who have healthy sleep cycles. People with certain sleep disorders are typically not as likely to exercise. Adults with insomnia tend to be less active than those without insomnia.

Some studies show that nightly shifts in sleep quality, latency, and efficiency can be used to predict physical activity levels. One study found that a 30-minute increase in sleep onset was associated with a one-minute decrease in exercise duration the next day.

Tips for physical activity that promotes healthy sleep

While sleep should be a priority, it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise within three hours of your bedtime. Working out late in the day raises your body temperature, which can impact sleep onset and your quality of sleep. Low energy and excessive daytime sleepiness can prove to be detrimental to your endurance as well.

If you find yourself a frequent snorer and if it’s accompanied by gasping, a feeling of choking, or pauses in your breathing, it can lead to a variety of health problems and can impact your fitness goals. This in turn can increase risk of injury during exercise and work against your muscle recovery.

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