Snoring, Like Living in a Perpetual Daylight Savings Hell

Snoring in Public

It’s that time of year: Daylight Savings Time is here, and it’s time for us all to spring forward. For many, Monday will be a day when they feel exhausted. In fact, the average person sleeps 40 minutes less the night following Daylight Savings Time than on a typical night. But, what if you lost 40+ minutes of sleep every night? What if you functioned in what seemed like a perpetual Daylight Savings Hell? One Mayo Clinic study showed that the person sleeping next to a snorer loses of an average of one hour of quality sleep per night, which IS living a perpetual Daylight Savings Hell! Welcome to the sleep experience of a snorer – and the bed partner of a snorer. But, when you solve snoring, you create the exact opposite of Daylight Savings Hell. Imagine getting an extra hour of sleep each night without spending more time in bed?

The Impacts on Snorers

Snoring can lead to an irritated throat in the morning, waking up at night frequently, fatigue the next day, and headaches. Yikes! Sometimes a snorer can wake themselves up and not even realize it. This happens an average of 27 times per night (Source: Mayo Clinic), causing what we call micro-awakenings. Micro-awakenings prevent our ability to get into deep and REM sleep, -- the very important physically and mentally restorative stages of rest.

RELATED CONTENT: Poor Sleep & Snoring Compromise Men's Sexual Health

The Impact on Bed Partners of Snorers (“Snorees”)

As a bed partner of someone who snores, the chances your sleep gets interrupted multiple times throughout the night rises exponentially. In fact, in an average relationship, a snorer wakes their partner an average of 21 times per night which adds up to around two years of sleep.

RELATED CONTENT: Best Earplugs for Sleeping With a Snorer

Products proven to help snorers and snorees

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