The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health

When you skip a stone across the water, it causes ripples. We call this continuing and spreading of the results of an event or action the ripple effect -- and it applies as much to our mental health as it does to skipping stones. In fact, research shows that our words, actions, and feelings affect those around us, who in turn affect those around them, and so on. That’s why nurturing your relationships is one of the most important things you can do to improve your mental health and that of those around you.

With many of us feeling the stress of day-to-day life, the ripple effect can have profound impacts on your mental health and that of your husband, wife, partner, or roommate as well as your family. So, let’s talk about one “pebble” you can stop throwing: snoring. It’s that insidious behavior that has an ugly ripple effect of its own.

Snoring’s Impact on Your Mental Health

Some pretty remarkable things happen while we sleep. Recent studies show that during sleep our brains clear out toxins that are associated with degenerative brain disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. For those who snore, this “cleaning” process does not occur. Not only do snorers lose out on this opportunity, they crawl out of bed feeling exhausted and irritable. And that leads to increases in stress and anxiety, and also exacerbates any current mental health issues.

Do you want to improve your brain health? Find a snoring solution and enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep.

RELATED CONTENT: Feeling Anxious? Improve Your Sleep to Decrease Your Stress

Snoring’s Impact on Your Partner’s Mental Health

Life is no picnic for the person who shares a bed with a snorer either. “Snorees,” as we call them, suffer many of the same mental health issues that snorers do.

According to the World Health Organization, sounds reaching 30 decibels or higher can interrupt the average person’s sleep, which is similar to the sound of whispering in a quiet room. Snoring can reach up to 90 decibels, which is louder than a vacuum cleaner at 70 decibels! In an average relationship, a snorer wakes their partner an average of 21 times per night, which adds up to around two years of sleep over the course of the average relationship (24 years).

The sleep deprivation a partner suffers results in irritability, loss of focus, decrease in positive mood, and worsening of existing mental health problems.

Are you the “snoree”? Find solutions to help you get the rest you have been waiting for.

RELATED CONTENT: Snoring, Like Living in a Perpetual Daylight Savings Hell

Snoring’s Impact on Your Relationship

A single bad night can affect your mood and your bed partner’s mood the whole following day. Multiple nights of interrupted sleep can create a change in a person’s mood for an extended period. Irritability leads to less understanding, problems with communication, and even depression in the long term. Research has found that depression in a significant other frequently leads to depression in the partner. The same holds true for roommates, children, and parents.

RELATED CONTENT: Why Relationships are Key to Surviving Stressful Times

Improve Your Relationships Now

Our moods, emotions and actions affect one another, impacting our mental health in profound and lasting ways. If snoring is affecting you or your loved one’s mental health, take the first step today toward healing your relationship. We are here to help

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