FAQs About Snoring Solutions, Snoring & Sleep Apnea
Snoring and Snoring Solutions
Mutiple studies across several decades have shown that anti snoring mouthpieces are at least 85% effective for people who use them. Mouthpieces are one of the best snoring solutions that actually work to treat the root cause of snoring. Beyond treating snoring, anti snoring mouthpieces are snoring devices that work by opening the airway allowing for greater oxygen intake which improves the health of the user and the quality of sleep for both the snorer and anyone sleeping near them.
The best snoring solutions are devices that address the root source of the snoring noise caused by the soft tissue in your throat collapsing and creating turbulence as you breathe. Oral appliances do this very effectively by moving the jaw forward to keep the airway open. There are other types of snoring aids which can be used in addition to a mouthpiece or as an alternative, such as snoring solutions that open the nasal passages to increase airflow and positional therapy.
An anti snoring nose clip stops snoring by opening the nasal passage to create more airflow. They work well for mild to moderate snoring and can reduce the sounds of loud snoring caused by mouth breathing. Devices such as ZQuiet Breathe can be used alone or with other treatments (such as an anti-snoring mouthpiece or positional therapy) to treat snoring.
The best snoring prevention devices all use the same technology of moving the lower jaw forward to open the airway, but they have different designs. ZQuiet is one of the best mouth guards for snoring because it features a thin and flexible design and doesn't require molding; whereas custom devices tend to be bulkier because of the material required for molding.
Sleep apnea is a more serious condition than simple snoring and should be managed by a qualified professional. Depending on the severity of the apnea, some doctors suggest a custom sleep apnea mouthpiece made by a dentist, while others suggest a simple fix for snoring and sleep apnea such as an over-the-counter device like ZQuiet.
The best way to block noise while you sleep is to wear earplugs that use passive noise reduction to cancel out unwanted sounds so you can sleep soundly. The best noise cancelling earplug for sleeping should be comfortable while sleeping on a pillow and reusable to last for many nights of use.
It's important to keep the nasal passages as open as possible during sleep to reduce snoring and congestion and maximize airflow for higher quality rest. Anti-snoring nasal strips, or nose strips such as BreatheRight, can partially open the airway, but a nasal dilator for snoring, such as ZQuiet Breathe , is more effective because it opens the airway by gently pushing from the inside of your nostril to increase airflow by 58%.
The classic "elbow nudge" to force a snoring bed partner on their side happens for a reason. It's because the best sleeping position to stop snoring is to sleep on your side, giving your airway the best chance of staying open. Snoring is loudest when sleeping on your back because the tongue falls back, causing the tissues in your throat collapse and amplify the snoring sound. Do pillows help with snoring? Yes, using a pillow or specialized positional therapy device can be helpful to ensure a snorer maintains the best position to open the airway and reduce snoring.
There are lots of products on the market to treat snoring, but the most effective products open the airway, such as a mouthpiece or nasal dilator. Once the snoring has been reduced, try the best sleeping positions to stop snoring, which is on either side -- not the back or stomach. Positional therapy devices such as a slumber belt or snoring pillow keep the snorer sleeping on their side. The combination of a mouthpiece and positional therapy is the most effective treatment. If you are seeking solutions for sleeping with a snorer, you have come to the right place! ZQuiet was created when Dan and Trina, our co-founders, were trying to solve Dan's snoring problem.
The most effective device to stop snoring is a mouthpiece that pulls the lower jaw forward. Also known as mandibular advancement devices, mouthpieces have been studied for decades and have been proven effective because they open the aiway, which stops the vibration in the throat that causes the snoring sound. Mouthpieces also increase the amount of oxygen intake, resulting in more healthy, restful sleep. These products can be purchased online by a reputable FDA-cleared manufacturer or custom-made by a dental specialist.
Snoring is caused by the soft tissue in your throat collapsing and creating turbulence as you breathe at night, so the best snoring prevention devices are ones that open the airway by gently moving your jaw forward. There are other types of snoring aids which can be used in addition to a mouthpiece or as an alternative, such as devices that open the nasal passages to increase airflow and positional therapy. Beyond treating snoring, anti-snoring mouthpieces also open the airway, allowing for greater oxygen intake which improves the health of the user and the quality of sleep for both the snorer and anyone sleeping near them.
The best way to block snoring noise is to use earbuds rather than to soundproof an entire room. Earbuds for sleeping should be designed to be comfortable while laying on a pillow and safe to use all night without Bluetooth connection. Look for earbuds that use passive noise canceling (simply having an earplug in your ear to quiet the noise). That can be combined with noise-masking devices (such as a sound machine that plays white noise or relaxing sounds) to soothe the brain and further mask any remaining noise.
Since sleep apnea is a more serious condition than simple snoring, your doctor, dentist, or ENT specialist might recommend a custom anti snoring dental appliance. You should discuss whether a dental mouthpiece to stop snoring is a good solution if you are unable to tolerate the use of a CPAP machine. Insurance sometimes covers the cost of a custom sleep apnea mouthpiece, but some professionals might recommend trying a more affordable over the counter mouthpiece, such as ZQuiet. Always discuss your condition and the best solution for you with a qualified specialist if you have sleep apnea and want to stop snoring.
Mouth snoring occurs when the tongue falls back and the airway collapses, causing turbulent air and the soft tissue to vibrate in the back of the throat. The best snoring remedy for mouth breathers is a stop snoring mouthpiece like ZQuiet that opens the airway by moving the lower jaw forward slightly to prevent the snoring noise. If the snorer is prone to open mouth breathing, combining the oral mouthpiece with a chin strap can help to promote healthy nasal breathing.
While there is technically no cure for snoring, there are ways to stop snoring permanently. Worn every night, a stop snoring mouthpiece like ZQuiet is one of the best snoring solutions that actually works because it opens the airway, which treats the root cause of the snoring noise caused by the soft tissue in your throat collapsing and creating turbulence as you breathe.
It's hard to know how loudly you snore because you're usually asleep, but others who are disrupted by your snoring might be more than willing to let you know! Snoring is caused when the tissues in the back of the throat relax during sleep and the vibration of the air coming through makes a snoring sound. The best way to determine how loudly you snore is to measure it with a snoring app such as SnoreLab (free to download), then to try a snoring solution and measure again to determine how effective the solution is. You can also find earplugs for your bed partner to help them get the best sleep while you find the solution that's best for you.
It makes sense to start snoring treatment naturally before resulting to more invasive procedures such as throat or nasal surgery. People now realize that there are logical and minimally invasive natural treatments to open your airway and reduce the snoring sound. The most effective way to stop snoring is by wearing an anti-snoring mouthpiece, such as ZQuiet. For those who can't tolerate a mouthpiece, opening the nasal passages with a nasal dilator has been shown to be very effective, as well as using a pillow or prop (called a positional therapy belt) to ensure the snorer sleeps on their side rather than on their back where snoring is the loudest.
The best way to block out your partner's snoring is to get them to treat it with a snoring solution like ZQuiet, but if that isn't possible, there are a few options to help block out the snoring noise. One solution is to wear earplugs or earbuds. The earplugs should be low profile and comfortable for sleeping otherwise you won't sleep well. There are 2 types of earplugs, passive noise reduction and active noise cancellation. Another option is noise masking which is using another sound source to drown out the unwanted noise, usually with white noise or soothing nature sounds. To learn more about these options, watch the video.
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Trina: At ZQuiet we get a lot of phone calls from people who are really irritated and can't sleep at night due to noise. Most often it's snoring noise, but sometimes it's other noise. And no matter what is keeping you awake the very best thing to do is to find a way to block the sound from coming into your ears and there are really three basic approaches to that. The first is called passive noise cancelling which is really just a fancy word for wearing some ear plugs, and whether they're foam earplugs from the hardware store or a higher end earplug. What they do is create a barrier between that sound and your ear. The most important thing for passive ear plugs is that you have a really good seal and that is how you're gonna know that you found the right pair. The other thing that you can do is called noise masking which some of us know of as a sound machine or something on your phone that creates a sound and really what noise masking is creating a different sound for your brain to focus on instead of the snoring or the sirens or whatever it else there is. It's kind of tricking your brain and for some people it works really well and for some people it works really well and for others it can be an irritant but it's worth a try. And lastly there is something called active noise cancelling ear plugs or earbuds and those are a higher technology tend to be a little more expensive but what they do is they work at certain frequencies to cut out sound. There are ear plugs that are designed to specifically cancel out the sound of snoring and they can go a long way towards a quieter night. I will say though that if snoring is your problem the very best thing to do is to get your snorer to treat it because it's better for their health and it really is the only way for silent sleep. The three ways that you can block sound that I mentioned though are a really close second so, I hope this was helpful and good luck getting a good night's sleep.
Snoring can certainly be bad for your health because it indicates that your airway is compromised and you may not be getting enough oxygen while you sleep. In the short term this causes daytime fatigue, irritability, and poor performance at work. Over the long term snoring has been linked to larger health problems, such as diabetes, cardiac issues, and stroke. There is also a direct connection between obesity and snoring. It is a good idea to treat snoring of any kind, and and there are many solutions available. Oral appliances, also known as anti snoring mouthpieces, are known to be the most effective solution because they open the airway to treat the root cause of snoring. If you experience serious snoring accompanied by pauses in your breathing it could be indicative of sleep apnea and you should discuss it with your doctor.
Your best chance at eliminating snoring is with an anti snoring mouthpiece, such as ZQuiet. The snoring noise is caused by the tissues in your throat collapsing and vibrating as you breathe. Some of the most effective anti snoring devices work by gently moving your lower jaw forward, opening your airway. By decreasing turbulent airflow, the snoring stops.
Yes! ZQuiet products are now available at Amazon.com. You can also buy ZQuiet products on the official ZQuiet website and from select physicians and dentists.
Caution: If a mouthpiece is listed on an online store but doesn't have its own website, exercise caution. Mouthpieces to treat snoring must be cleared by the FDA, and there are many listed on online marketplaces that have not been proven safe and effective.