Most people who experience poor sleep report that it affects their mood, but does it also affect mental health? Answer: Yes, it does. Sleep is closely connected to our mental and emotional health and has been linked to mental conditions including anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression.
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Studies show that those who experience poor sleep are less active than those who have healthy sleep cycles. People with certain sleep disorders are typically not as likely to exercise. Adults with insomnia tend to be less active than those without insomnia.
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Salt in excess can increase your blood pressure and, even worse, put you at risk for heart disease. If that alone does not make you aware, new studies show a direct link between higher daily salt intake and the quantity of sleep you achieve each night.
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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of American life, including health, employment, and education. The American Psychological Association warns that the negative mental health effects of the coronavirus will be serious and long-lasting.
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It's that time of year: Daylight Savings Time is here, and it’s time for us all to spring forward. For many, Monday is a day when they feel exhausted. In fact, the average person sleeps 40 minutes less the night following Daylight Savings Time than on a typical night.
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Snoring can be costly in many ways. Relationships are the first to be impacted. According to a Better Sleep Council survey, 26 percent of people say they sleep better when alone than with a partner.
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Getting regular sleep offers multiple benefits. Studies show time and again that consistent “go to...
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